Early learning and childcare expansion

More than seven out of ten children in Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) are now receiving the full 1,140 funded hours.

The number of children has risen by 10,510 since February – an increase from 65% to 72%.

The latest data from the Improvement Service shows that at the end of April 2021, 118,068 children were accessing funded ELC. Of these, 102,410 children (87%) were accessing more than the statutory entitlement of 600 hours, and 84,606 children (72%) were accessing 1,140 hours.

Children’s Minister Clare Haughey said: “These figures show we are well on the way to offering all eligible children 1,140 hours of funded ELC from August 2021 –  a transformational policy that will benefit families across Scotland.

“Despite the pandemic having an impact on the construction of ELC facilities and recruitment plans across the country, local authorities have continued to make good progress in expansion plans.

“At the centre of these plans is the drive to improve children’s outcomes and help close the poverty-related attainment gap, to improve the health and wellbeing of children and parents, and to support parents into work, study or training. I’d like to thank local authorities and all those who are continuing to work at pace to meet our target.”

Councillor Stephen McCabe, COSLA Children and Young People spokesperson, said:

“I welcome the progress that has been made towards the implementation of the 1,140 hours ELC expansion by August. This report shows that significant progress has been made by councils despite the continued challenges of the pandemic, including the national lockdown.

“We know that the additional hours will be transformational with children provided with more time to play and learn, while parents and carers will have more opportunities to work, study or volunteer. We are pleased we are on track for delivery later this year”

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