Terms & Conditions
While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in our publications and websites, Ni4kids Ltd (trading as Family Media Group) accepts no responsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability, loss, disappointment, negligence or other damage caused by the reliance on the information contained in the publication or websites or in any company, individual or firm mentioned, or in the event of any company, individual or firm ceasing to trade, is hereby excluded.
Terms and Conditions for Acceptance of Advertisements
Ni4kids Ltd publishes Scotland4kids Magazine and the orders for insertion of advertisements in Scotland4kids are accepted subject to the following conditions and of the avoidance of doubt the term ‘publishes ‘ covers any publication and / or website that is owned and produced by the publisher.
- The placing of an order constitutes a warranty from the advertiser and / or its agency to the publisher : That the advertisement is legal, decent, honest and truthful and complies with the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion and with any relevant codes of practice and with the current legislation. That the advertisement is not defamatory and does not infringe the copyright , moral rights or any other rights of a third party .
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- While every effort will be made to meet the wishes of advertisers , the publisher does not guarantee the publication of any particular advertisement or its publication on any particular date.
- In the event of any error , misprint or omission in the publication of an advertisement or part of any advertisement ( however caused ) the publisher will either re – publish the advertisement or relevant part of the advertisement as the case may be or make a reasonable adjustment to the cost .No re-publication , refund or adjustment will be made where the error , misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement.
- In no circumstances shall the total liability of the publisher for any error , misprint or omission exceed (a ) the amount of a full refund of any price to the publisher for the advertisement in connection with which liability arose or ( b ) the cost of a further or corrective advertisement of a type and standard reasonably comparable to that in connection with which the liability arose.
- It is the responsibility of the of the advertiser/agency to check the first appearance of any series of advertisements and notify the publisher immediately of any errors. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the reception of errors unless notified by the advertiser.
- The publisher accepts no liability in respect of any loss or damage occasioned directly or indirectly as a result of publication of any advertisement or any loss occasioned directly or indirectly by any total or partial failure ( however caused) of publication of any advertisement or of any website in which any advertisement is scheduled to appear.
- The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or if already accepted to cancel the order at any time by giving reasonable notice before the next insertion , but in that event the advertiser/advertising agency shall not be liable for payment of the difference ( if any ) between the rates for the series specified in the order and the usual price for the series which has appeared when the order is stopped.
- The publisher reserves the right to require any alteration it considers necessary or desirable in any advertisement.
- The copyright for all purposes in all artwork , copy and other material which the publisher or his employees have originated , contributed to or reworked shall vest in the publisher.
- The placing of an order by an advertiser , or an advertising agency on behalf of a client , constitutes an assurance that all necessary authority and consents have been secured in respect of the use in the advertisement of pictorial or other representations of any living person and of references to any words attributed to living persons and any material the copyright which vests in a third party.
- Any material submitted by the advertiser is held by the publisher at the advertisers risk and should be insured by the advertiser against loss or damage from whatever cause. The publisher reserves the right to destroy without notice all such property after the date of its last appearance in an advertisement unless the advertiser has given instructions to the contrary.
- Orders cannot be cancelled once the publisher has commenced to carry out the order in accordance with the first publication date requested by the advertiser. In other cases , the publisher will require two weeks notice of cancellation of any order or unexpired part of any order. All cancellations must be notified in writing. Email notification of cancellation is not acceptable. The publisher reserves the right to charge up to full price of the advertisement as a cancellation charge where a material loss will have been sustained by ni4kids by the late cancellation of the advertisement within the cancellation period.
- Advertising orders are issued by an advertising agency as a principal and must be on the agency’s official form .When copy instructions not constituting an official order are issued they shall be clearly marked “Copy Instruction – not an order”.
- Unless credit terms have been agreed , payment must be received in full no later than 14 days after insertion . Payment must be made by cheque, BACS or credit card.
- Without prejudice to the generality of these terms , these conditions of acceptance specifically extend to any personal guarantee given by the Directors or any other person on behalf of a recognised agency at the time of recognition in respect of liabilities of the agency in the event of the agency’s liquidation or insolvency. Such guarantee is part of these conditions of acceptance
- The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement shall amount to an acceptance of the above conditions and any conditions stipulated on an agency’s order form or elsewhere by an agency or an advertiser shall be void isofar as they are in conflict with them.
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of N. Ireland.
27 October 2016