Crafty Kids: Smiley Faces

Why not make a whole family of these, or perhaps base them on your friends? Put them in secret places where people will come across them to make them smile back.

You will need

  • Round, flat pebbles
  • A selection of acrylic paints, including skin-coloured tones, yellow, pink, and black
  • Mixing palette or white plate
  • Medium and fine paintbrushes
  • Pencil
  • Black and brown felt-tipped pens


1 Mix some paint in a skin colour and paint the whole of one side of a pebble, painting around the edge as well so that none of the surface of the pebble can be seen. Leave to dry.

2 With a pencil, draw the hair, eyes, nose, mouth, round cheeks, and any other details that you would like to include, such as glasses or freckles.

3 Choose a hair colour and paint the hair on your pebble with a medium paintbrush, painting around the edge as well. Leave to dry.

4 Using the felt-tipped pens, draw the eyes, nose, mouth, and glasses or freckles using either the black or brown pens. Leave the rosy cheeks as pencil outlines.

5 Using pale pink paint and a fine paintbrush, paint the rosy cheeks on and leave to dry. Paint on any bows or clips on the hair that you would like. Leave to dry.

Craft idea from My First Rock Painting Book by Emma Hardy, published by CICO Books (£9.99) Photography © CICO Books

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