Make a hobby unicorn

Unicorns are among the most beautiful and magical of the woodland creatures, but they are also the hardest to spot – and almost impossible to catch! Their single horn fizzes with powerful spellbinding magic.

Use nature’s magical wild materials to make your own unicorn to protect you from all those bad monsters out there. Ride your unicorn through an enchanted forest or in a secret wild place at the park. You never know where its magic will take you!


You will need
• Old socks
• Newspaper
• String
• Double-sided tape
• Hot-glue gun
• and wild materials, including
• A long stick




  1. Start by choosing a sturdy stick for your hobby unicorn. It should be just the right size for you to ride on – and strong enough to withstand some pretty rough play.
  2. Now choose an old sock for the unicorn’s head. Stuff scrunched-up newspaper into the sock to make a head shape.
  3. Push the long stick into the open end of the sock up to the heel.
  4. Find a shorter stick for the unicorn’s horn. To make a truly magical unicorn, find a wild horn with superpowers. This might be a stick covered with ancient moss or lichen, or with thick protective supernatural bark or perhaps an unusual twisted shape.
  5. Cut a hole in the sock’s heel near the top of the long stick. Push the long stick a little way through the hole and tape the horn onto it, as shown. Now push the long stick back into the hole so you can only see the horn.
  6. Tie the open end of the sock around the long stick to secure it in place.

Stick wild materials on with double-sided tape or hot glue to make eyes, nostrils, a mouth and ears. Perhaps your unicorn would also like feathery decorations or a leafy mane. Use a forked stick to make a two-headed unicorn – with double the magical power!


Safety tip
Hot-glue guns should only be used under close adult supervision!




Craft idea from Wild Things: Over 100 Magical Outdoor Adventures by Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks. Published by Lonely Planet Kids. HB £12.99.  Reproduced with permission from Lonely Planet © 2019.


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